Hey class of 1992, we've been out of school for almost 10 years now, and we need to start thinking about our reunion and what we want to do. The first thing to do is make sure we all can be in contact with one another. We're putting together an e-mail list of everyone who has it as that is the easiest and quickest way to get in contact with a large number of people all at once. Please contact:
I put a story and an ad in the Wapello Republican asking our classmates and their families to get everyone in contact with myself, Erin, or Chastine so we can collect everyone's contact info. If you see someone on this list who doesn't have any contact info next to them, please let one of us know how to get a hold of them so we can all plan our reunion!
Steve Beik (Hux can contact) Morning Sun Chastine Black Reynolds chastine.reynolds@cna.com Chris Bryant Aric Creelman AMC0719@aol.com Danielle Cross ekin69@theinter.com Paul Dantuma Candy Ealy Clay Elam clayton1974@yahoo.com Bobby Erhman greenmeany_7@yahoo.com Kristy Foor Josh Gerst Josh.Gerst@metawave.com Amy Gieselman agieselman@hotmail.com Jeb Grimm jrgrimm@louisacomm.net Truckie Harbison Angela Hartman Joe Havenhill coachhavenhill@yahoo.com Gary Hawkins (Hux has phone #) Oakville Mike Huxley sarah_hux@hotmail.com Amanda Jackson Ewart Ewart1@iowatelecom.net Audra Kerr Brown Kendraboj@aol.com Regan Lanz rlanz@louisacomm.net Matt Mangold (have phone #) Wapello Brad Marshall Erin McCulley Ziegler Zcyfans@aol.com JD McKinney moving to California Miranda McMeins Miranda726@myfamily.com April Moore Tom Murphy tcmurphy@louisacomm.net sending error Stacy Nabor Lloyd KLLOYD@MACHLINK.COM Corina Nichols Witte corinawitte@hotmail.com Jeannette Nixon Heather Pallister Darts hpallister@louisacomm.net Dan Runnells djrunn@monsanto.com Doug Sheetz Curt Schoonover C_SCHOONOVER@msn.com sending error Larry Scoggin Jay Shafer Sara Singleton Maddux maddog@louisacomm.net Travis Stone TRAVISJSTONE@prodigy.net Lance Talbott chertalbott@hotmail.com Deanna Thornburg Robin Trafton (have address) Niota, IL Mark Truitt mtruitt@grimmbros.com Robin Veach Grimm jrgrimm@louisacomm.net Kim Whitaker Logan (have contact info) W. Burlington Melanie Wilkerson melaniekay@eudoramail.com Brock Wilson brock_wilson@quakeroats.com Paul Wilson adrafter@avalon.net Thad Witte trwitt@monsanto.com Alan Woods Jenny Young tkopecek@atlantic.net sending error
Vote here for when you want the reunion to be held.